Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cleopatra Beauty

The legendary queen of Egypt was known for its exquisite complexion. One of its secret beauty treatments, milk and honey bath is still used today.

One of the main ingredients, milk contains lactic acid, which helps exfoliate the skin. The lactic acid in milk is an alpha hydroxy acid, which helps clean the deeper layers of skin.

Honey has an abundance of health properties. First, is composed of sugars such as glucose and fructose and it is also a gentle alpha hydroxy acids. It is composed of two minerals and vitamins to help feed and heal the skin. Since it also contains phytochemicals that kill viruses, bacteria and fungi, it has a natural anti-inflammatory effect that heals wounds quickly. This makes a good substitute honey dressings.

Here are a couple of ways to enjoy these 2 main ingredients are in your old beauty secrets.

Cleopatra milk and honey bath


• 1 / 2 cup powdered milk

• 1 / 2 cup raw honey

• 2 teaspoon jojoba oil (optional)

Mix ingredients in a large bowl and pour your bathroom with warm water. Soak for up to 20 minutes to infuse these beneficial ingredients into your skin. This recipe makes enough for a swim.

Milk and honey to rinse the skin wrinkled


• 1 oz raw honey

• 1 cup skim milk

• 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel

Combine ingredients in a jar and shake well. Apply to face in the morning and afternoon with a ball of cotton. Store mixture in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

Incorporating these recipes for beauty in his daily regimen will help you to experience healthy, vibrant and eternal skin.

Danielle Sims explored her library of alternative health, herbal books, and aromatherapy books and created a plan to make your own body wrap-up formulas at home. Now is providing this information in an e-book entitled Wrap Yourself Slim: Exposed involvement. Monthly newsletter is also available on its website. For more information, go to Wraps Exposed

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